Several local apiaries offer bees and queens in southern Oregon, including Ruch, the Applegate Valley, Grants Pass, and Jacksonville.
Applegate Apiaries provides nucleus colony bees. We select for a good “Southern Oregon bee” having mite tolerance and broad genetic diversity. Text or message Andrew Watson at 541 846-0404.
Bee Besties have nucs for sale!! Contact Tasha 541-951-1576 Instagram bee_besties_ Email Website:
Pickup either at my Grants Pass or Medford yard.
Contact 541-450-7263.
- Survivor Stock and VSH queens bred in Grants Pass and Medford.
- 3# Packages $165. Pick up in April.
- 5 Frame Starter Nuc: $205 (Free class & treatment included)
- Multi-nuc Discount. ORDER HERE
Old Sol Apiaries
OldSol Apiaries in Rogue River sells queens and Nucleus colonies. Pick up is available from several apiaries in the Rogue Valley.
- Mated, verified Survivor Stock queen
- Mated, verified Caucasian queen
Western, or medium, frame Nucs are available by special order.
John Jacob
541 582 2337 or signup online at
Kelly Leatherwood
5 frame nucs
Eagle Point area
(201) 218-8392