Beekeeper’s Corner

Ten Natural Beekeeping Approaches

At our June 4, 2018 meeting, Dr. Dewey Caron gave a talk on. “Responsible Colony Stewardship: June Management/Working Toward Treatment Free Beekeeping.” Dr. Caron is Emeritus Professor, Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware and an Affiliate Professor in the Horticulture Department at Oregon State University and author […]

Local Sources for Honey Bees and Queens   Recently updated !

Several local apiaries offer bees and queens in southern Oregon, including Ruch, the Applegate Valley, Grants Pass, and Jacksonville. Applegate Apiaries provides nucleus colony bees.  We select for a good “Southern Oregon bee” having mite tolerance and broad genetic diversity.  Text or message Andrew Watson at 541 846-0404. Bee Besties have nucs for […]

Nuc Yard in Georgia

SO What is Your May Plan?

Contributed by Dr. Dewey Caron May and Memorial Day bracket this busy bee month. I start analyzing the pnwhoneybeesurvey responses this month, including those from SOBA members. Results will be posted as soon as I can get them gathered and analyzed. Thanks to all Southern Oregon beekeepers who filled in […]

Starter Hive Configuration

What hive components should you have ready for your first bees? Well, as in everything that has to do with keeping bees, there is no ‘right’ answer. All beekeeping is local, and the configuration described here is suited to backyard beekeepers in southern Oregon, where we have hot dry summers […]

Keeping Good Records

Contributed by Dewey M. Caron In 2015, I surveyed 250 Oregon backyard beekeepers during April asking about overwintering losses, colony feeding, sanitation and varroa control efforts (The 2015 survey questions are posted on the website Loss levels statewide were 27% for both 8-and 10-frame Langstroth hive beekeepers, double that number for […]

July is Mite Checkin’ Time!

In the PNW Winter Loss Survey this past April, 250 Oregon and Washington backyard beekeepers provided information on monitoring bee colonies for mites, including 12 SOBA members. Thirty-seven percent (37%) said they did not monitor for mites . Twenty seven (27%) sampled pre-treatment and 30% sampled both before and following treatment. Thirty-seven percent […]