Current SOBA members may check out the club honey extractors. We currently have three extractors:
- a motorized Dadant Ranger Electric Power Extractor that holds 6 mediums and empties both sides of the frame at a time. Dadant Ranger Manual
- a hand crank Dadant Radial that holds 6 mediums or 3 deeps and empties both sides of the frame at a time
- a hand crank Mann Lake Standard that holds 3 frames and empties one side of the frame at a time
We also have an electric uncapping knife, and two regular uncapping knifes available.
There is a $50 refundable deposit which will be returned when the extractor is returned clean and in good working order.
Contact Murl Ming at (541) 218-3265 or (
tracker4044 at to schedule a pick up. (The electric and one manual extractor).
Grants Pass area: Noah Clipp at (541) 254-4052 to schedule a pick up. (One manual extractor).